Why Budgerigars Are the Perfect Pet for Bird Lovers in 2024?

As an avid budgerigar breeder and enthusiast for over 7 years, I can confidently say that budgies make the perfect pet bird in 2024 and beyond. Often overlooked for flashier parrots, budgies have so much to offer bird lovers of all experience levels when properly cared for. As cute, playful, and loving companions who can also talk, budgerigars check all the boxes of a great family pet.

Budgies Come in Endless Color Varieties

One of my favorite things about budgerigars is the sheer diversity of color varieties available. From classic greens to vibrant violets and everything in between, finding beautiful budgies with unique color patterns is part of the fun. After 7 years I’m still discovering new color mutations! The sky is truly the limit in terms of colors and patterns.

They Stay Small Yet Have Big Personalities

Weighing less than 1.5 ounces, budgies are tiny compared to many parrots. But their small size comes with many benefits for owners. First, they eat very little and their mess is minimal. The small size also correlates to lower noise levels than large parrots. But best of all – budgies have HUGE personalities packed into their petite bodies! They form very close bonds with owners and each budgie truly has its special quirks.

Budgies Can Learn Tricks and Talk

While not all budgies learn to talk, many can mimic words when properly trained. I have a blue male named Sky who knows over 15 words and phrases. His favorite is saying “I love you” in the sweetest little voice. Budgies can also learn fun tricks like flying to your finger, turning in circles, ringing bells, and more. Training small birds creates a special connection.

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Their Lifespan Allows Long Relationships

Why Budgerigars Are the Perfect Pet for Bird Lovers in 2024?


One of the hardest parts of bird ownership is that parrots often outlive their owners since macaws can survive 60+ years. Budgerigars live an average of 4-8 years which, while still substantial, allows more realistic long-term relationships. I’ve been lucky enough to have a budgie live for over 12 years! But average lifespans let owners prepare for end-of-life better than 60+ year birds.

Budgies Thrive Indoors in Smaller Spaces

As one of the smallest parrot species, budgies do exceptionally well in typical household environments. They require minimal space which is achievable even in apartments or small homes. Given lots of out-of-cage playtime and a large enough cage, budgies readily entertain themselves indoors. And being smaller, heating and air systems keep your home at a comfortable temperature for budgies more easily than for large parrots.

Their Diet is Affordable and Manageable

Feeding budgies is simple with affordable seed mixes and produce readily available. I feed my breeding flock a high-quality seed mix along with greens and veggies. Supplementing their diet with nutrient-rich pellets and sprouts ensures my birds get proper nutrition. Buying in bulk brings costs down. Large parrots require pricier nut and fruit diets which isn’t realistic for all owners.

You Can Keep Multiple Budgies Together

Budgies have a very social flocking mentality that allows housing multiple birds together safely. I recommend getting at least two budgies so they can keep each other company if you aren’t home. Unlike other parrot species that often fight or require separate cages, compatible budgies live harmoniously together. But be sure to monitor bonding so no budgie gets bullied or excluded.

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Their Care Doesn’t Take Over Your Life

Between cleaning massive cages, preparing special diets, training, and exercising high-needs parrots, bird ownership can feel like a full-time job. But budgies offer a more realistic level of care for busy owners. Their small size equates to quick cleaning and food prep. And they entertain themselves easily without demanding excessive time and attention every day.

Quieter Volume Levels Than Large Birds

I love and breed budgies because they offer terrific companionship and entertainment in a small, quiet package. Large parrots often vocalize loudly which causes problems for owners and neighbors. Well-cared-for budgies make some noise but nothing compared to a screaming macaw! For apartment dwellers or owners who value quiet, you can’t go wrong with a budgie.

Hardy Health Means Fewer Vet Bills?

Why Budgerigars Are the Perfect Pet for Bird Lovers in 2024?

Unfortunately, veterinary care for exotic birds gets very expensive, very quickly. But budgies tend to be quite hardy if acquired from a reputable source and cared for properly. I take exceptional care of my budgie-breeding flock with excellent nutrition, a clean environment, and lots of love. This promotes good health and immunity. My vet bills run far lower for my budgies than for parrot-owning friends.

You Can Take Budgies on the Go

Lastly, the portable size of budgies lends itself well to taking them places. With proper acclimatization and a travel cage, I’ve successfully taken budgies outdoors, to pet-friendly patios and cafes, the homes of friends and family, and even on short driving trips. Large parrots don’t travel well at all. Budgies offer more flexibility thanks to their small stature.

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I hope this overview has showcased why budgies are my absolute favorite pet bird in 2024 and make a perfect companion for bird lovers wanting a beautiful, affectionate parrot in a small package. With minimal space and care requirements along with their cute personalities and charming talking ability, everyone should consider a budgie as a pet! Let me know if you have any other budgie questions.

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